Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas presents

I spent this Christmas at home with my family in Cincinnati.   The older I get, the more I appreciate those rare times when we all get to be together.  Opening presents is always a big ordeal at our house.  Everyone has to open one at a time, and the order is strategically designed so that we all finish opening around the same time.  I like to wrap my presents in as many separate packages as possible so the whole experience lasts longer.  For me, the opening of gifts in itself is a present: the time spent with family, laughing and joking about what we've received (all mine were kitchen-themed), the presentation (my brother tries on purpose to use the ugliest wrapping paper), and the procedure for unwrapping (the relative merits of taking one's time vs. ripping it open).  Once the production of opening presents is over, I have a second gift to enjoy: the actual presents!  I can't wait to try out my brand new immersion blender.  That butternut squash soup won't know what hit it.  :)

Reflecting on Christmas presents reminds me of the products for sale at the Harvest of Talents.  When you create an item, you have the joy and pleasure of doing something you love that God has given you the ability to do.  But it keeps on giving!  Not only do you get pleasure out of creating, but your gift will benefit those in need.  In the same way, when you buy a product, not only do you get the actual item, but you know your purchase will help people around the world with their physical and spiritual needs!  It's two gifts in one!  And who doesn't love buy one get one free?

1 comment:

  1. How did my unique gift giving idea of hiding all 15 on James's $1 Envelopes not make this list!?!?!?!
